Russ Meyer’s Mondo Topless 1966

Russ Meyer’s Mondo Topless 1966 Completely topless! Completely uninhibited! The wayout craze that began in San Francisco…

Yvonne Craig – Star Trek (1969)

Yvonne CraigStar Trek (1969)

Pretty poison – 1968

Anthony Perkins – Tuesday Weld (Pretty poison) 1968 When a mentally disturbed young man tells a pretty…

Dawn Wells screen test photo

Dawn Wells screen test photo

Tuesday Weld bikini on the beach in 1960

Tuesday Weld bikini on the beach in 1960

The art of love 1965

Elke Sommer – Dick Van Dyke The art of love 1965 Painter Paul Sloan feels he’s a…

Barbarella behind the scenes

Jane Fonda was Barbarella, an astronaut from the 41st century, sets out to find and stop the…

Dancing at a club

Dancing at a club

60’s Debbie Watson pool side

60’s Debbie Watson sitting in a bikini pool side

Natalie Wood in Gypsy (1962)

Natalie Wood in Gypsy (1962) Mama Rose lives to see her daughter June succeed on Broadway by…

Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts advertisement from 1968.

Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts advertisement from 1968.

German model Uta Reichenvater photographed in 1969

German model Uta Reichenvater photographed by Heinz Browers in Munich 1969