Star Trek landing party

Star Trek landing party

Elvis giving an autograph to a sexy young woman

Elvis is giving an autograph to a sexy young woman in front of the Sahara Hotel

Tomorrowland the TWA Moonliner

Tomorrowland the TWA Moonliner, derived from Disney’s “Man In Space” television episodes developed in the 1950s. The Moonliner was…

Debbie Harry working as a Playboy bunny

Debbie Harry before Blondie- working as a Playboy bunny in New York’s Playboy Club

Alexandra Bastedo sitting in s pink bikini

Alexandra Bastedo sitting on a stone looking sexy in s pink bikini

Guide for a Married Man

Elaine Devry in Guide for a married Man Ed convinces his best friend Paul that he should…

Miss Universe Semi Finalists, circa 1960

Miss Universe Semi Finalists, circa 1960

Sharon Tate in “Don’t Make Waves” 1966

Sharon Tate with Dave Draper and Reg Lewis for “Don’t Make Waves” in 1966 Carlo goes on…

Steed and Peel in A touch of Brimstone

Diana Rigg in The Avengers (1961), “A Touch of Brimstone” Prankster Lord Darcy informs Steed about his…

Annette Funicello in They monkey´s uncle 1965

Annette Funicello (They monkey´s uncle) 1965 Midvale College is in fear of losing its college football team….

Wacky Races – Professor Pat Pending

Professor Pat Pending, an inventor, in the Convert-a-Car; he can transform his car into pretty much anything…

Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number! – 1966

Elke Sommer The Divine Didi, a European actress known more for her bubble bath scenes than for…