The birds -1963

Tippi Hedren – Veronica Cartwright – Rod Taylor (The birds) 1963 Melanie Daniels is the modern rich…

Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice – 1969

1969 Dyan Cannon & Natalie Wood. Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice Documentary-filmmaker Bob Sanders and…

Susan Sarandon, early in her career, was a backup singer.

Susan Sarandon, early in her career, was a backup singer.

“Home from Camp” by Norman Rockwell (1968)

“Home from Camp” by Norman Rockwell (1968)

Janice Rule – Henry Fonda (Welcome to hard times) 1967

In the town of Hard Times, a stranger rides in and terrorizes the small settlement. He kills…

Escapade February 1961

Escapade February 1961

Lost in Space

June Lockhart, Angela Cartwright, Marta Kristen in Lost in Space (1965) In the year 1997, Earth is…


Natalie Wood in THE GREAT RACE (1965) Professional daredevil and white-suited hero, The Great Leslie, convinces turn-of-the-century…

Steve McQueen with his daughter Terry (1964)

Steve McQueen with his daughter Terry (1964)

Sharon Tate in The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967)

Sharon Tate in The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) The elderly bat researcher, professor Abronsius and his assistant,…

Joan Collins on the phone call wearing just a nightie

Joan Collins on the phone call wearing just a nightie  

Van Johnson : The Minstrel – Batman (1966)

Van Johnson : The Minstrel – Batman (1966) The Minstrel, a villain with both musical talent and…