Disneyland’s keel boat Gullywhumper, 1964.

The Gullywhumper faithfully plied the Rivers of America around Tom Sawyer’s Island for 42 years until one evening in May 1997, when the boat began to rock side to side. It capsized, dumping a full boatload of passengers into the river, leaving several with minor injuries. The boat was removed for inspection and neither it nor its companion craft the Bertha Mae returned for operation.

Instead, the Gullywhumper returned to Rivers of America as a prop and was moored on Tom Sawyer Island where passengers on the Davy Crockett Canoes, the Sailing Ship Columbia, and the Mark Twain Riverboat could see it while passing. Eventually, hull damage caused the boat to flood and sink, and it was finally removed from Disneyland in April 2009.

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