Star Trek

Star Trek (1968) – Elaan of Troyius

William Shatner and France Nuyen in Star Trek (1968) The Enterprise transports Elaan, a member of the ruling dynasty of the warrior Elasians, to the planet of their enemy, the Troyians, so that her arranged marriage will halt their interplanetary…

Arlene Martel and Leonard Nimoy – Amok Time

Arlene Martel and Leonard Nimoy filming “Star Trek” (Episode- Amok Time) in 1967.

“Mirror mirror” Star Trek

Barbara Luna “Mirror mirror” Star Trek Beamed up during an ion storm, which causes a transporter malfunction, the landing party of Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and Uhura find themselves in a mirror universe aboard a parallel Enterprise run by ruthless barbarians….

Star Trek (1968) The Gamesters of Triskelion

Angelique PettyjohnStar Trek (1968) The Gamesters of Triskelion Kirk, Uhura and Chekov are trapped on a planet where abducted aliens are enslaved and trained to perform as gladiators for the amusement of bored, faceless aliens.

“Star Trek” “Mudd’s Women” 1967

Star Trek” “Mudd’s Women” 1967 After stopping a vessel in space, Kirk and the crew find a very odd captain with a very strange cargo. The captain of the vessel is Harcourt Fenton Mudd – known as Harry to his…