Category: Lifestyle

1961 Studebaker Hawk

Even girls driving to work would wear minis.

Even girls driving to work would wear minis.

San Francisco’s China Town, July 1964

San Francisco’s China Town, July 1964

1967- Caesar’s Palace sign, Las Vegas.

1967- Caesar’s Palace sign, Las Vegas.

At the grocery store in the 1960s

At the grocery store in the 1960s.

Showing tan lines when you have a new swim suit

Showing tan lines when you have a new swim suit

Valiant Hardtop (1961)

Valiant Hardtop (1961)

Metropolitan 1500 Convertible (1962)

Metropolitan 1500 Convertible (1962)

Marlene Charell – Folies Bergère, Paris, 1964

German entertainer Marlene Charell star of the new Folies Bergère show Folies en Fêtes, Paris, 1964

Disneyland parking lot tram – 1962

Disneyland parking lot tram – 1962

Disneyland aerial view of the entrance 1966

Disneyland aerial view of the entrance in 1966

A thin flat TV, 1961

A thin flat TV screen with automatic timed recording for TV shows is the wave of the…