Category: Lifestyle

Whisky a Go Go (1960s)

Whisky a Go Go (1960s).

007 ½ Go Go Night Club, 1966

007 ½ Go Go Night Club, Shelborne Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida, 1966 postcard

Playing the slots at Benny Binion’s Horseshoe Club

Playing the slots at Benny Binion’s Horseshoe Club, March 1962 – Photo by Erich Andres

Welcome to Las Vegas 1960

Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada 1960

Disneyland’s Flying Saucers, 1962

Disneyland’s Flying Saucers attraction, September 1962

New York City around 1960

Stopping for a bit to eat in New York City around 1960

1969 Plymouth HEMI RoadRunner 426:425 HP

1969 Plymouth HEMI RoadRunner 426:425 HP

Deborah Dixon photographed for Harper’s Bazaar, 1960

Deborah Dixon photographed by Lilian Bassman for Harper’s Bazaar, June 1960

Stardust, Las Vegas, 1965 “Muhammad Ali Training Here”

Stardust, Las Vegas, 1965 “Muhammad Ali Training Here”

Disneyland parking… 1963

Disneyland parking with the monorail running over it… 1963

Mini Skirts Forever

Mini Skirts Forever

Gimbel’s , New Jersey 1966

Women were reminded to be careful when wearing their narrow high heels before riding the escalator Gimbel’s…